Bai, Yang

Academic degree
Fields of expertise
Metallurgy and Materials
Fields of science
216 Materials engineering
Language skills
English, Chinese

Personal links

Description of activity
I am Docent in Energy Harvesting Materials and Self-sufficient Sensor Systems, and Assistant Professor in Small-power Self-sufficient Sensor System in Microelectronics Research Unit, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Oulu, Finland. I specialize in research and teaching of energy harvesting and sensing technologies, including materials and devices. I obtained Ph.D. degree in 2015 from University of Birmingham, UK. I was awarded the prestigious EU’s Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship in 2016 and the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant in 2021. I am also an elected committee member of the Energy Materials and Systems Division (EMSD) of the American Ceramic Society, USA. I have published 40 research papers including those on highly reputed journals such as Advanced Materials, Applied Physics Letters, ChemSusChem, Advanced Optical Materials, Journal of the European Ceramic Society and Journal of the American Ceramic Society. I also have four granted patents. I am currently the principal supervisor of four doctoral students.

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