Marrama, Oberto

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Academic degree
Visiting Researcher
History of Ideas and Science
Fields of expertise
History of Early Modern Philosophy; History of Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Mind
Fields of science
611 Philosophy
Language skills
Italian, English, French

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Description of activity
My research area is early modern philosophy of mind. I am fascinated by 17th-century theories of mind which questioned the Cartesian paradigm and challenge common ways of understanding the nature and boundaries of conscious life. My publications have concerned the philosophies of Spinoza, Hobbes, and Descartes. My current research project “Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673) on consciousness and non-human mentality” is funded by the Wihuri Foundation and also included within the activities of the Academy of Finland funded project “Thick Subjects: A Reconsideration of Early Modern Views of the Self”.

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